How do I create a custom titleblock and company logo to reuse in Scaled Output?
The default Titleblock used by Discover is stored in - C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Encom\Discover\Config\ This can be customised, to simply register and add a company logo, or to do further customistations to the layout of the vectors and text boxes. Custom Logo To add a compa ...
I cannot change my Frame size
Occurrence In Scaled Output or Print Sections, I cannot change the Frame Size! It is disabled and says "as selected". Solution When you start Scaled Output, if you have a polygon selected it will use this as the frame size. Close Scaled Output, and go to TABLE>Selection>Clear, and then ...
How to restore a scaled map window size or scale to display correctly in a Layout Window
Occurrence The Scaled Output utility enables a portion of a map window to be automatically displayed in a layout frame at a specific scale for a selected page size. The newly created map window is synchronized to the layout frame so that if the source map window is zoomed, panned or re-size ...
My drillhole plans don't appear in the Add Section to Layout tool.
Plan sections are not supported in the Add Section to Layout tool, only vertical sections can be plotted. Drillhole plans can be printed using the standard Scaled Output tool to generate a plot.
Error: Cannot draw a grid for map XY units in degrees if not a Lat/Lon coordinate system
Occurrence When creating a Map grid, or during Scaled Output, I receive the error - "Cannot draw a grid for map XY units in degrees if not a Lat/Lon coordinate system" Solution Navigate to Map>Options and ensure the Distance units are NOT set to Degrees. These can be set to meters, feet, etc ...
Layout window frames are blank or not refreshing
Occurrence When I zoom in or out, the layout window appears blank or is corrupted. Solution In MapInfo Pro 9.5.1 or later, go to Options->Preferences->Styles and turn on 'enable enhanced rendering'. We also recommend turning on Anti-Aliasing. You can correct existing open layouts, by goi ...
The Scaled Output layout window does not match the associated mapper window
Occurrence After pressing the 'Accept Map Position' option of the Scaled Output process, the content of the Frame Object in the the layout window does not match that of the source mapper window. Portions of the Frame Object are blank and/or ''zoomed in'. Solution In the initial Scaled Output ...
How do I customise the page frame size in Drillholes>Add Section to layout?
Solution The frame sizes availble are determined by those available in the Discover Scaled Output tool. To create a custom frame size navigate to Discover>Scaled Output>Config and create a custom frame, which then can used in the Drillhole Module Add Section to Layout tool.
How do I save or restore the scale/extents/position of a map window linked to a layout window/frame object?
The Frame Object in a Layout Window is dynamically linked to its source mapper window. Zooming or resizing this mapper window will have a direct impact on the Frame Object view. If you intend altering the mapper window scaling or extents (for example, in order to zoom in and resize labels or ch ...