Zooming or resizing this mapper window will have a direct impact on the Frame Object view.
If you intend altering the mapper window scaling or extents (for example, in order to zoom in and
resize labels or change object styles), the following options are available for saving or returning to
the mappers original settings:
1. If the Scaled Output menu is open and active for the current layout, use the
Scaled Output>Restore Map Window command to return the mapper window to its original scale
and extents
2. To save the current mapper’s state before making any changes to the mapper scale/ size, enable
Discover’s Map Window>Save Mapper State option. To restore this saved setting, select the Map
Window>Restore Mapper State option. Note that this is a one-off save and restore option that only
applies to the mapper that was current when the Save Mapper State option was selected.
3. If the Layout is reused regularly, save the mapper scale/extents permanently using the Discover
Map Window>Standard Views menu option. Any mapper can then be set to the scale/extents
required for your layout window at any time. This is a highly recommended option.
4. Another useful tool is to right click in the Mapper, and select Previous View.