The data types are -
1. Datamine point, string (polylines), wireframes (TINS): Can all be imported and converted to 2D TAB views using DISCOVER>Import>Vector Import. Alternatively, to preserver 3D data and if you have a Discover3D license, simply drag and drop the .dm file into the 3D window.
They can also convert a TIN wireframe to a RASTER using SURFACES>Vector to Grid. And display on cross section intersects via converting to a DXF using DISCOVER>Vector Transform, and then the Drilllholes Section Manager.
If you receive an error "input format is not yet supported" or "failed to 3D vector file" it is either -
a. If the file name ends in "" or" it's a wireframe file and requires the companion file to be present in the same folder. Make sure you have both the "" and "" file in the folder, and then import or drag and drop the "" file into Discover.
a. Not a vector datamine file, so try importing as a block model below.
c. Drillhole database or a non-spatial file we do not currently support.
2. Datamine Block Models: These can be loaded as Voxel models in 3D, using Grids>Voxel Manager. After loading into Discover3D, they can be exported to Discover cross section intersect view, and other formats such as thresholded grade shelf DXF vector files. Note rotated models are not supported, they will import as unrotated.
3. Datamine drillhole database or attribute only: not currently supported. These will need to be exported to CSV tables and then imported in MapInfo.