How do I refresh my drillhole data and regenerate a section?
Occurrence Existing drillhole cross-sections and plans may need to be updated after updates and additions to a drillhole projects collar, survey and/or downhole data tables. Examples of changes to these files that may warrant section regeneration include: - new drillholes are added to a p ...
How do I display a 3D vector file from another application into a Drillhole Section?
Solution You can do this, by selecting all sections you wish to display it on in the section manager (select multiple by CTRL>Left Click). Then go to the Section Manager>Analytical Tools>Display 3D Model on Section This allows the easy display of multiple .DXF and Discover 3D .FDB vec ...
Drillhole Pierce Points - a powerful way to analyze and enhance your long-sections
The Create Pierce Point Layer tool is found within the Section Manager - This converts downhole intervals into attributed MapInfo Professional Point symbols. This significantly enhances the display and analytical options for this data on long- and cross-sections, such as: A range of label ...
How to display high-grade intercepts on drillhole sections, and create informative labels for them.
Occurrence Are you trying create and effectively display high-grade intercepts on your cross-sections and long-sections? Here are some pro-tips. Solution 1/. Ensure you have composited your downhole assay table with the appropriate method / parameters (using Drillholes>Downhole Composit ...
How do I highlight different drillhole types on a section, such as Planned holes, or RAB vs RC vs DDH?
Solution A couple of tips that may assist you with the current version of Discover (v2013). 1/. To highlight 'Planned' holes. In addition to adding the planned hole/s' collar (and survey entries if needed) information, add a single lithology entry for each planned hole to the lithology table, ...
Downhole data is not displaying correctly or does not appear in drillhole cross-section or plan views.
Solution Check the following common issues: Have you validated your Drillhole Project when opening it? If you have cancelled out of this process, Simple data problems like duplicate samples, interval mismatching and overlaps, and hole name discrepancies will effect downhole data display. Is ...
How do I display downhole point data such as geophysical or structural data with only a single Depth field?
Occurrence Often down-hole data is collected as point data located with a single depth field. Examples include structural measurements such as foliation and bedding observations, geophysical readings (e.g. magnetic susceptability), or water table depth. Solution This is resolved in new feature i ...