How do I change a projection for a layer which is misregistered (without changing coordinates)?
Occurrence Vector objects such as Lines, Polylines or Polygons have been digitised into the incorrect projection. In this case, reprojection does not work, as the object coordinates will change (move). For example the vector object may have been created in the incorrect UTM Zone, or the wrong ...
How do I reproject my data?
MapInfo and Discover provides a number of different Reprojection Utilities, depending on the type of data to be transformed. Each of these tools will create a copy of the data in the specified output projection, typically with a default _reproject suffix added to the input file name. These tool ...
What are the [EPSG:XXXX] or "\pXXXX" codes at the end of a projection name?
The "\pXXXX" numeric codes that appear at the end of projection names in some projection selection dialogs are the corresponding EPSG code for the projection. These are used by GIS software packages to when converting files to different GIS formats, to define a common standard coordinate system ...
How do I add a custom projection to MapInfo and Discover
Occurrence I've added a custom projection line to my MAPINFOW.PRJ but it does not appear in the select projection dialog box's list. Solution If the projection is not appearing in MapInfo Pro, it will need to added to the default MAPINFOW.PRJ file located in - C:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professio ...
How do I determine the projection of a map window or table?
In MapInfo 64-bit, the projection is displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the Mapinfo window. Alternatively, Right click in the mapper window and select the Projection Info from the pop-up menu. The first tab while show the Map's projection, and other tables will display each layer's p ...
How do I create a custom affine projection or local mine/sample grid to use in MapInfo?
Occurrence I need to view both my local mine grid data and real earth data in the one mapper window. Traditionally many people use a simple Non-Earth (metres) coordinate system to display local mine gridded data, or data from a sampling grid in a project area. Creating a custom affine projecti ...
What is the Popular Visualisation projection?
From : "Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator is a projected CRS last revised on 03/14/2008 and is suitable for use in World between 85°S and 85°N. Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator uses the Popular Visualisatio ...