How to compute the volume of a nominated voxel property value(s)
Once you have defined the voxel area/value range you wish to compute the volume for by using the Threshold properties tab dialog in the Voxel Model Properties, you can view the calculated volume of the defined area by click on the Model Info button located on the File tab of the Voxel Model Pro ...
Creating 3D PDF from Encom Discover PA 3D display
The process of creating a 3D PDF from Encom PA is reasonably straight forward using Adobe Acrobat 3D v9.0. The steps are: 1. Open PA and load your data/session into the 3D window and then set up the display to how you want it to look in the output PDF. 2. Open Acrobat 3D and click Edit-> ...
Is there a way to have the view extents or positions exactly the same for two 3D maps?
This can be achieved by using the 3D View Manager (button in the Zoom toolbar). This allows you to save a 3D view in one of the displays and then you can apply this same view to the other 3D display. To save a 3D view: 1. Make the first 3D display active and then click on the View Manager butt ...
How can I display Section Grids in 3D?
Note: Section Grids generated externally from Encom PA cannot be imported into PA for display. After generating section grid files in PA using the Section Gridding utility (accessed from the Gridding menu), Encom PA can display the gridded data in profiles or as 3D located images. In 2D displ ...
How can I view Conductivity Section Profiles in 3D?
To view conductivity-depth sections in 3D: 1. View the data as a Section Profile display first. 2. Generate a located image series of the specified lines in the database. This series is generated by using the View in 3D pop-up menu option, accessed by right mouse clicking on the Profile 1 branc ...
How do I connect the 3D Connexion Space Navigator controller to Encom PA?
1) Install the 3D Connexion Space Navigator driver software, and upgrade to the latest version. 2) Connect the device via USB port 3) Open the Encom PA and select the Tools>Options menu, and go to the View tab. Select Enable 3D Connexion devices option. 4) Close and restart the 3D window.
How can I get the 3D Cursor Plane to bond to a chosen Located Image?
To bond the 3D Cursor Plane to a displayed Located Image make sure that the "Select" icon (shaped like a grey arrow) in the workspace tree located to the right of the Located Image branch is selected. When you select this icon the grey arrow should turn into a black arrow indicating that this I ...
How can I display CDI section groups in 3D more memory efficiently?
Displaying multiple CDI sections in 3D can be very memory hungry, depending on tehe resolution of your input data. An alternative to displaying a section group or multiple sections in 3D is to batch print the CDI sections while displayed in a single Section Profile display and display the resul ...