The Discover installers support silent/quiet installation.
The syntax is a follows -
setup.exe /S /v" /qn"
This requires UAC elevation, so it should only be executed from within an elevated command line prompt (known as “Run As Administrator”).
Where n is:
1 = local license (default)
2 = network client
setup.exe /S /v" /qn LICENSETYPE=2 LICENSESERVER=servername LICENSEPORT=port"
When LICENSETYPE=2, define the server connection. LICENSEPORT defaults to 6150 if not specified.
setup.exe /S /v" /qn LICENSETYPE=2 LICENSESERVER=myserver"
setup.exe /S /v" /qn LICENSETYPE=2 LICENSESERVER=myserver LICENSEPORT=6123"
Any previous versions should be uninstalled silently first, using msiexec /x {product's GUID code}. You can find the product code GUID of a installed discover version under the Registry Key -
Note that certain prerequisites, such as .NET framework 4.5 and C++ 2012 require restarts and may interrupt the install requiring a restart, and should be installed beforehand via the Microsoft setups.