How do I reproject my data?
MapInfo and Discover provides a number of different Reprojection Utilities, depending on the type of data to be transformed. Each of these tools will create a copy of the data in the specified output projection, typically with a default _reproject suffix added to the input file name. These tool ...
How do I clip my data to a polygon region?
Discover provides a number of tools to clip your map data to a area within a selected polygon - 1) Vector layers - QUERY>Map Object>Vector Clip 2) Images - IMAGES>Images Tools>Clip Image 3) Surface Grids - SURFACES>Utilities>Clip Some raster images and raster grids may also be ...
How do I add a custom projection to MapInfo and Discover
Occurrence I've added a custom projection line to my MAPINFOW.PRJ but it does not appear in the select projection dialog box's list. Solution If the projection is not appearing in MapInfo Pro, it will need to added to the default MAPINFOW.PRJ file located in - C:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professio ...
How do I clip my data down to a selected polygon or region boundary?
Discover provides a number of tools that allow you to clip or cut your datasets down to selected regions/areas. An example would be to provide subsetted datasets to government organisations for lease relinquishment reports, or to a joint venture partner. The tools are data type specific, i.e. ve ...
How do I convert an SRTM GeoTIFF image with embedded elevation data into a grid?
Occurrence SRTM GeoTIFFs often have elevation data embedded in the image file (e.g from Discover can extract this information, creating a grid that can be contoured and manipulated by the Surfaces menu (accessed via the Discover>Surfaces me ...
When I Convert a gridded surface into a Geotiff file, it displays as grayscale
Occurrence When I convert or export my grid file into a Geotiff, it becomes grayscale and loses it's colouring scheme. Solution This is due to the Geotiff grid format being a multi-banded format. If a single banded grid is converted to this, it will become grayscale as it does not contain 3 RGB ...
How can I set a surface grid data range to display transparent?
Occurrence The Surfaces>Modify Grid Display tool allows the transparency of an entire grid to be set. But how can I set only a particular data range of a grid to be transparent? Solution You will need to select the option other then Full Grid; so you can clip by Value, Percentage or Percent ...