The PA Explorer 2024 (Build 19.0.36) release is now available

The latest PA Explorer 2024 release is now available using the link below:

What's new in version 19.0.36 (1 May 2024)

  • Added a new "Blend" method to Grid Tools > Merge that uses a cosine function to smoothly transition from one grid to another across areas of overlap.
  • Improved support for rotated block models.
  • Fixed field name length issue in the Geosoft GDB to MapInfo TAB tool.
  • Fixed bug with reading Datamine vector files.
  • Improved licensing error messages.
  • Added an option to export a voxel model to a GDB file.
  • Added an option on the View ribbon to reset the window layout.
  • Fixed focus issue with floating windows and workspace tree.
  • Added support for converting Arc local grid coordinate systems to MapInfo coordinate systems in the Coordinate Reprojection tool.
  • Fixed issue exporting plots to georeferenced images when line names contain slashes.

What's new in version 19.0.6 (23 February 2024)

  • Improvements to floating window feature.

What's new in version 18.0.164 (9 February 2024)

  • Bug fixes.
  • Show standard deviation on grid info dialog.
  • Speed improvement to Grid Tools > Statistics when run on the entire grid.
  • Added a new option on Tools > Options > Display to allow map and graph windows to be dragged outside the main window.

What's new in version 18.0.139 (4 January 2024)

  • Fixed bug with activating licences via HTTPS on restricted networks
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 18.0.133 (28 November 2023)

  • Show intersection of models with clipping plane.
  • Support loading and displaying hyperspectral TIF files as both images and grids.
  • Allow multiple network licence retries when internet connectivity is poor.
  • Added a "Match input data range" checkbox to the "FFT TMI to XYZ Magnetic Components" filter.
  • Fixed bugs in Line Utility IGRF tool and Array Data 3D Gridding tool.

What's new in version 18.0.112 (31 October 2023)

  • When voxel models are clipped using the cursor plane, show the intersection of the plane with internal cells rather than showing a hollow model.
  • Allow 3D vector files to be added to profiles and show the surface or outline of their intersection with the profile.
  • Fixed bug with downloading maps from some WMS URLs.
  • Fixed bug with the "Vector to Grid" tool.
  • Improved performance of loading LeapFrog models.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.

What's new in version 18.0.100 (20 September 2023)

  • Improved TIF support to handle images with tiles and images with more than 8 bits per sample.
  • Fixed bug with image registration wizard not saving projection info to EGB
  • Fixed bug with custom voxel slices button.

What's new in version 18.0.95 (28 August 2023)

  • Updated Reprise library to fix licensing issues.
  • Fixed bug with logarithmic section colour legends.
  • Support dragging Geosoft voxel models from Data Manager to 3D map.

What's new in version 18.0.89 (4 August 2023)

  • Fixed crash when zooming in on grid contours using page zoom.
  • Fixed projection chooser issue.
  • Improved tool tip for feature snapping.

What's new in version 18.0.86 (25 July 2023)

  • Show details of Reprise message when license revoked.
  • Increased maximum size of GDBs which can be loaded to 1TB (with default block size).
  • Added a new "Import Geosoft Section Grid" tool to display a Geosoft "crooked" section in a 3D map.

What's new in version 18.0.78 (11 July 2023)

  • Fixed crash when loading multi-gigabyte GDBs.
  • Fixed bug in histogram calculation which was affecting grid coloration.
  • Reduced thickness of the line shown while drawing polyline and polygon features on a map.

What's new in version 18.0.74 (22 June 2023)

  • Improvements to FFT Power Spectrum tool.
  • When exporting contours to SHP files, also write out a projection (PRJ) file.
  • Added GDA2020 datum support for ERMapper grids.

What's new in version 18.0.68 (3 May 2023)

  • Added support for web maps (WMS and WMTS) via the new "Download Web Maps" tool.
  • Added a Python API for reading and writing datasets open in PA.
  • Added support for generation of radially averaged power spectrum and depth estimate graphs and 2D Power Spectrum grids via the new "FFT Power Spectrum" tool.

What's new in version 17.0.204 (27th April 2023)

  • Fixed bug with IGRF computation in Line Utility.

What's new in version 17.0.201 (22nd February 2023)

  • Updated batch printing wizard to support newer versions of PDF Factory (FreshDesk 146812)
  • Fixed bug with loading Datamine triangulation files.

What's new in version 17.0.198 (17th January 2023)

  • Sort line numbers when loading a GDB
  • Set LineNumber and FlightNumber fields in structural data when loading a GDB
  • Re-enabled line iterator properties dialog
  • Removed dependency on VS C++ 2003 redistributable.

What's new in version 17.0.192 (20th December 2022)

  • Fixed bug with line iterator (Freshdesk 142963).
  • Fixed bug with the GridInterp and LineUtility plugins not showing datasets open in PA.
  • Improved support for polar stereographic coordinate systems.

What's new in version 17.0.183 (25th November 2022)

  • Bug fix for computing the station count for lines in a GDB files where the first field contains only null values.
  • When reading a BIL grid, read the associated PRJ file, if any, to get the grid's coordinate system.
  • Support reading Arc PRJ files which contain a compound coordinate system.

What's new in version 17.0.174 (25th October 2022)

  • Fixed crash bug for GDB with no stations on a line (FreshDesk 138600).
  • When writing TIF files, use the zip compression method instead of run length encoding to create smaller output files (FreshDesk 132376).
  • Added support for loading Geosoft Vector Voxel files as voxel models.
  • Fixed crash bug with voxels.

What's new in version 17.0.166 (29th August 2022)

  • Fix for colour and coordinate system issues when exporting raster to TIF using "Save as RGB Raster" option (FreshDesk 132376).
  • Fix for colouration issue when viewing ECW with MULTIBAND colour space (FreshDesk 133519).
  • Fix for feature database import issue (FreshDesk 133404).
  • Added an option in the grid rotate utility to rotate about a specified location.

What's new in version 17.0.156 (29th July 2022)

  • Bug fix to Line Calculator tool.
  • Added an option to never show the "Input line geometry warning" again.

What's new in version 17.0.142 (8th July 2022)

  • Fixed a Feature import issue.
  • Added several new datum codes to improve coordinate system support.
  • Fixed a pathing issue with the output from the Feature batch printing wizard.
  • Bug fixes to improve overall reliability.

What's new in version 17.0.139 (8th June 2022)

  • Performance improvements to feature databases.
  • Fixed issues which were limiting the maximum size of grids that could be processed in Grid Filter.

What's new in version 17.0.135 (24 May 2022)

  • Fixed a bug with opening sessions directly from Windows Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue with the Encom ZS grid filter which was causing an "Out of memory" error to appear with large grids.

What's new in version 17.0.132 (16 May 2022)

  • Fixed a bug with importing ASCII files into feature databases.
  • Removed the limit on the maximum grid size which can be processed.
  • Show a more detailed error string if licence activation fails.
  • Fixed the Feature Database issue which was requiring the "fix" tool to be run frequently.
  • Bug fixes in the Array Data 3D Gridding (EMVoxel) tool.
  • Bug fixes with Geosoft Database (GDB) support.
  • Fixed a bug which was causing the multivariate stats explorer to crash with multi-banded data.
  • Fixed a bug with nulls in GDB files being treated as zeros in the Section Gridding tool.
  • Support ZIP compression in TIFF files.

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Last Updated on: 7th of May, 2024