When I run the License Server installation, I receive the error -
"Error 1923. Service EncomLM (Encom License Manager) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.
This can occur on Windows Server computers that have restricted permissions.
- The user running the installer does not have sufficient privileges to install a service. When starting the installer, "Run as administrator" by right clicking on the installer.
- The SYSTEM attempting to start the service does not have the "LogOnAsService" right. The Log on as Service right applies to the Local Security Policy of the machine where the it is installed. This right can be applied using ‘Administrative Tools’ -> ‘Local Security Policy’ ->‘Local Policy’ -> ‘User Rights Assignment’ -> ‘Log on as a service’. Also make sure the user is not listed in the Deny Log as a service security policy.
To troubleshoot -
Open an elevated command prompt and type in -
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Encom
2) Then type in
EncomLM.exe -u
And press enter. This should uninstall the existing service.
3) Go to the services console and you can verify the EncomLM service is removed.
4) You should now be able to run the new installation.
If the issues persists, it is also recommended to try restarting in a clean boot environment.
Steps to do this are described here -
One you have restarted with only Microsoft services running, then try running the Encom License server installation.