You can plot level or flitch plans by specifying the parameters in the Drillholes > Create > Generate Plans dialog.
1. Select the drillholes you wish to display in the level plan from the Map Window.
2. Choose Drillhole > Create > Create Generate Plans.
3. Check the ‘Clip to
4. Enter the central elevation of the flitch or level plan and the envelope width, i.e. 200m RL central elevation with an envelope width of +/- 5m will produce a level plan for each hole from 205m RL to 195m RL.
5. Enter a name for the level plan and press the Generate button (you can plot multiple level plans at once by using the options in the Offset Multiple tab).
6. The resulting plan will show the depth interval for each drillhole in the level plan. If a drill hole trace has been plotted, downhole data such as lithology and assay data can be displayed (however they may appear very "squished" depending on the dip of the hole).