The breakline feature in the Interactive 2D Gridding utility allows the easy introduction of interpretive data points into the gridding process, without modifying the original database. Users can then enhance terrain trends such as ridge lines, valleys and rivers that are not well sampled in the data. For example, a fault trend can be added by placing two sub-parallel breaklines with different elevations in a data gap where you have inferred the fault location.
By incorporating break lines into the gridding procedure you can ensure that the output grid conforms to certain slope requirements in critical areas.
To load break line data, access the Breakline Advanced Options dialog from the Breaklines button on the Input property page.
The breaklines dialog allows you to browse to and select an input MapInfo Professional .TAB file. Only one input file can be selected. To identify the lines it is necessary to select a LINE field from the .TAB file. All vertices from all features with the same LINE identifier are considered to be a single break line. This means points can be grouped into polylines but it also means that polylines need to have a unique LINE identifier if they are to be considered unique lines. Also, select the Z field. It is assumed that the Z data are compatible with the data field you have selected to grid on the Input property page.
The break line information is then incorporated into the input data and is automatically used in all available gridding algorithms.