OneGeology ( is a global initiative to:
"create (a) dynamic digital geological map data for the world, (by making) existing geological map data accessible in whatever digital format is available in each country."
OneGeology provides a user-friendly browser-based portal which serves WMS (Web Map Service) data from the participating organisations/countries. This WMS data can be opened into MapInfo Professional using the appropriate web link WMS URL.
Note: the OneGeology Portal can be slow to load initially.
To add a WMS service from OneGeology to the list of available WMS services within MapInfo Professional:
1. Within MapInfo Professional, select the File > Open Web Service > Open WMS menu option.
2. In the Open WMS Table dialog, select the Servers button at the top right
3. In the following WMS Servers List dialog, select the Add button at the top right of the dialog.
4. From within the OneGeology portal, copy the desired layers Service URL:
5. Paste this Service URL into the Server URL field of the WMS Server Information dialog. The adjacent Test URL button can be used to validate this URL:
6. Press the Get Description button to auto-populate the Description from the Sever, or enter a name manually, then press OK.
7.The WMS server will now appear in the Servers List. Press OK to return to the Open WMS Table dialog.
To view WMS service layers within MapInfo Professional:
1. Within MapInfo Professional, select the File > Open Web Service > Open WMS menu option.
2. In the Open WMS Table dialog:
a) Ensure the desired WMS Server is selected from the drop down list
b) Move the required WMS layers to the right selection window
c) Choose an output name and directory for the resulting MapInfo Professional TAB file
3. Press OK; the data will now be opened into MapInfo Professional: